Templates for Oral/Poster Sessions


Authors and Presenters will find below the templates used for oral and/or poster presentations.

Instructions for Accepted Paper assigned to an Oral Session:

1. Download Oral paper template (16:9 Powerpoint Template)

2. Rename your presentation as “EuMC ID#” or “EuRAD ID#” or “EUMIC ID#” or “EuMC_EuMIC ID#” or ”EuMC_EuRAD ID#”+.ppt or + pdf where ID will be your paper number given in the programme book.

Examples of names for your presentation (change the red given numbers with your numbers):

  • for EuMIC sessions: EuMIC05-3.ppt or EuMIC05-3.pdf
  • for EuMC/EuMIC joined sessions: EuMC_EuMIC02-4.ppt or EuMC_EuMIC02-4.pdf
  • for EuMC sessions: EuMC22-1.ppt or EuMC22-1.pdf
  • for EuRAD sessions: EuRAD13-2.ppt or EuRAD13-2.pdf
  • for EuMC/EuRAD joined sessions: EuMC_EuRAD06-4.ppt or EuMC_EuRAD06-4.pdf

3. At the conference, please contact your Session Chair or Co-chair before your session. Check your presentation in the specific “author’s room” before your presentation.

Instructions for Accepted Paper assigned to a Poster Session:

1. Download Poster paper template (A0 vertical Powerpoint Template)

2. Rename your presentation as “EuMC ID#” or “EuRAD ID#” or “EUMIC ID#” or “EuMC_EuMIC ID#” or ”EuMC_EuRAD ID#”+.ppt or + pdf where ID will be your paper number given in the programme book.

Examples (change the red given numbers with your numbers):

  • for EuMIC sessions: EuMIC05-3.ppt or EuMIC05-3.pdf or EuMIC05-3.jpeg (Image) or EuMIC05-3.png (Image)or EuMIC05-3.mp4 (Movie)
  • for EuMC/EuMIC joined sessions: EuMC_EuMIC02-4.ppt or EuMC_EuMIC02-4.pdf or EuMC_EuMIC02-4.jpeg (Image) or EuMC_EuMIC02-4.png (Image) or EuMC_EuMIC02-4.mp4 (Movie)
  • for EuMC sessions: EuMC22-1.ppt or EuMC22-1.pdf or EuMC22-1.jpeg (Image) or EuMC22-1.png (Image) or EuMC22-1.mp4 (Movie)
  • for EuRAD sessions: EuRAD13-2.ppt or EuRAD13-2.pdf or EuRAD13-2.jpeg (Image) or EuRAD13-2.png (Image) or EuRAD13-2.mp4 (Movie)
  • for EuMC/EuRAD joined sessions: EuMC_EuRAD06-4.ppt or EuMC_EuRAD06-4.pdf or EuMC_EuRAD06-4.jpeg (Image) or EuMC_EuRAD06-4.png (Image) or EuMC_EuRAD06-4.mp4 (Movie)

3. All media will be played on portrait sheet (vertical) with a 1080px x 1920px resolution

4. Image : jpeg or png format

5. Video : mpeg4 format

6. Guidelines for poster are included in the dedicated template (Slide 2 to be deleted in your final Poster)

7. Send your poster 2 days before your Poster session to the poster Chairs (posters.chairs.eumw2024@eumwa.org): they will check if your poster can be correctly displayed on the screens and they will send you an acknowledgement or a a warning answer.

8. At the conference please contact your Session Chair or Co-chair and the poster chairs before your session. Check your Poster with them before your session.


About EuMA

The European Microwave Association (EuMA) is an international non-profit association with a scientific, educational and technical purpose. The aim of the Association is to develop in an interdisciplinary way, education, training and research activities. [more]

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